1A07 PW group (w/o SP students)

:] Yiting don't worry we didn't forget you, we'll take another one tomorrow k! :D

plesae ignore mine LOL I was too tired to bother about decorating my name. ohmy, angular, plain, ugly and screwed hahaha.
..and this was from PW last week, when the teacher wasn't here yet ;D

and well, orientation of course ;D I miss wendy!!
PE after PW. we were made to run 6 rounds, and though I'm complaining I know it'll increase and most people do more than 6 rounds anyway. But considering its our first lesson....2.4 km is considered quite hiong. I only started running for the last two rounds and my legs are tired like shit now.
Tried hard to stay awake during geog tutorial but failed. I don't understand why I get tired so easily, goeg is DEFINITELY not a subject I hate so it wasn't cause I was bored, and I've slept for an hour during free period in the morning so why should I be so tired? Trust me, I really tried hard to stay awake. Seems like my entire family has this problem, and I'm glad my geog teacher was really nice about it.
Ohyeah, I was having a realllllllyyy hard time choosing between and photographic society and band today. After some advice from my friends (got sms consultation somemore) and mom, I FINALLY decided to join photog during the last lesson. Reason is simple: I'm gonna put my academics as first priority and joining photog would definitely save me alot of time. Besides, I get to take pictures using a dslr and we have courses too.
There goes my dream of playing the flute (or basically any instrument) with a band. The thing that's stopping me from joining is that the band itself isn't really that good. (I didn't say I am). and well. two days is always more than one LOL
Not joining it would save me around 4 hours per week and I could use that time to improve on my sketching skills (which is bad) or even play the piano for a little while. btw, there isn't time for me to learn diploma anymore bleh D: Its JC life afterall eh. But its okay, I'll still play when I have the time to!
They had a photo critic session during photography and a movie screening session, and Wilson Bekloo Glenda and I left at 5. The journey home wais soooooooo long, I was just slipping in and out of slumberland.
After art yesterday, I took bus 72 with Yao, Syairah, Atiqah, Ashiqin and Nadia. We met Yao's friend Ezra on the bus and he had quite alot of interesting stories to tell us lol! The rest of the girls were laughing like mad and chatting while I sat there listening lol. I later found out that he walks home through the TM-starbucks way too!
From that I also discovered that they used to have h1 art (which ONLY includes the SOVA paper, which is more or less analysing art pieces and so on). So cool eh, its the least heavy h1 subject combi, I heard. Yay for tampines!
k bye break's over time to chiong more econs tutorials and GP worksheets! (I'm sleeping late because I fell asleep from 8 to 11 just now)
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